"If you're truly going to improve coal mine safety, or industrial safety, or even environmental stewardship, you first have to know what happened and what you can tangibly do to prevent it from happening again. If we don't do any more than we have done, UBB will happen again."Don Blankenship

Searching for the Truth

Can we make coal mining safer?

The purpose behind the Upper Big Branch - Never Again documentary is to review forensic evidence from the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster that occurred on April 5, 2010. The film seeks to start a public discussion about the need for cooperation among the mining industry, government and mining experts to improve mining safety. Analyzing forensic evidence from tragedies like the explosion at Upper Big Branch and adopting innovations and technology developed by coal companies could bring improvements to mine safety. Don Blankenship is concerned that improvements in mine safety will not be made as long as the geological characteristics of mines and mine disasters are not fully investigated.

For the Sake of Our Miners

The documentary, Upper Big Branch -- Never Again, raised questions about the Government's reasons for discounting critical forensic evidence from the explosion that occurred on April 5, 2010 at the Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia. A public outcry, led by U.S. Senator Joe Manchin, attempted to silence the filmmakers and the film's sponsor, Don Blankenship. Senator Manchin called for the documentary's removal from the Internet — seeking to silence the filmmakers and violate their First Amendment Rights. As of this film's release, the Senator has not replied that he will investigate further the evidence that was presented in the original film. On the contrary, Senator Manchin vilified Don Blankenship, both in writing and on television, stating that he believes that Don has blood on his hands and that justice that will be done. Why is the Senator afraid to look into the evidence? What are his motives?

This film looks closer at the forensic evidence from Upper Big Branch, ways that MSHA is hindering coal mine safety, and solutions to the problem.

It has been 3963 days 5 hours 1 minute 27 seconds, since Don Blankenship hand delivered letters to Senator Manchin and Governor Tomblin asking them to address the issue of natural gas inundation at the Upper Big Branch Mine. Have they done anything yet? Senator Manchin finally replied to Don Blankenship's letter, but the response has nothing to do with the safety of coal miners.  Take a look at what the Senator had to say here.

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